National Community Development
1825 K Street, NW, Suite 515
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 202.587.2772
Fax: 202.887.5546
is a national nonprofit organization comprised of more than 300 local governments
across the country that administer federally-supported community and economic
development, housing and human service programs, including programs of
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG), and the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs.
Since 1968, NCDA has been at the forefront in securing effective and responsive
housing and community development programs for local governments. The Association
provides timely, direct information and technical support to its members
on federal housing and community development programs. Our Association
serves as a national clearinghouse of ideas for local government officials
and federal policy-makers on pertinent national issues affecting America's
communities. NCDA provides you with the necessary knowledge and skills
to become a more effective community development administrator.
All local governments that administer housing and community development
programs are eligible for membership. Dues are based on the population
of the member community. For further information on membership, please
call NCDA at (202) 587-2772 or write NCDA at 1825 K Street, NW, Suite
515, Washington DC 20006. You can also visit our membership information page.